You're broken, but God loves you. He has made your forgiveness, acceptance, and glorious future possible through the work of Jesus Christ! South Liberty Baptist Church wants to help you follow Jesus and find joy in his goodness. Will you join us?
Welcome! Please browse through our website or visit our About section for more information.
Sunday School for all ages:
9:45 -10:45 AM
Worship and Message:
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
We are located in Liberty, MO on the corner of Ruth Ewing Road and Hwy 291.

South Liberty Baptist Church offers a place to learn for everyone no matter what age or church experience.
About Us
What can I expect?
We are a Bible believing, Gospel-centered church who desires to make much of the Lord. If you want to stand and sing or raise your hands in worship; or sit and pray; or God is leading you to pray for the stranger next to you then we want you to do those things! Our ultimate goal is to help you facilitate a healthy relationship with God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit.
What is the Music like?
Worship is a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary Christian music. Sometimes we have a full band and other times we are just a few voices with one or two instruments.
What will the message be like?
We typically teach verse-by-verse, working our way through books of the Bible, tying each message back to life and making the Bible understandable to our every day lives.
Do I have to give?
Each week there is a time to worship God through the giving of offering. As a guest, please do not feel pressured to give. Tithing is just one way that we thank God for the work that He is doing in our lives and gives South Liberty Baptist the means to reach more people for Christ.
Are there kids programs available?
At South Liberty Baptist we love kids and we love families. We embrace Jesus’ call to let the little ones come to Him. It is our aim to keep families worshiping together as one, therefore children are ENCOURAGED to stay in worship. During each service there is a time set aside for a short children's message. Activity bags are also available in the back for little ones to use during services.
We provide nursery for children under 5 years of age.
What do you believe?
We believe in the Tri-unity of God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 6:4, Genesis 1:26, John 1:1,3)
We believe the Bible is complete, true and inspired by the Holy Spirit. (2 Timothy 3:16, Acts 1:16)
We believe that man is totally depraved and incapable of choosing or doing that which is acceptable to God apart from divine grace. (Romans 3:9-12,23)
We believe that men are saved by grace, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone. (Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:4-7)
We believe in the local church, consisting of believers in Jesus Christ. We believe that the primary tasks of the local church is to love Jesus, love people, preach the gospel and minister to others through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 14:23, Hebrews 10:25)

Meet The Sherrills
Jane Doe

Andrew, Amy, and Lucas
Andrew and Amy are both Missouri natives. God called Andrew to follow Jesus as his Lord and Savior when Andrew was in 3rd grade. After high school, God called Andrew to preach. Andrew hesitated to submit to God’s call and instead jumped from job to job until pursuing a career in construction estimating and administration. It wasn’t until Andrew was diagnosed with Leukemia that he seriously considered what it would mean to trust God with his life choices. As a result, Andrew resigned from his day job and moved with his family to KCMO to attend Spurgeon College at Midwestern Seminary to pursue an ADiv and BA in Christian Ministries. Andrew and Amy have been married since 2008 and have one child. Andrew and his family started attending SLBC in the Fall of 2018, and Andrew is serving SLBC as the lead pastor. Their desire is to serve God by teaching and caring for others. Their vision is to help the community of Liberty grasp the hopeful reality that Jesus offers to those who love Him.
Meet The Millers

Chris, Lauren, Evangeline, and Cohen
Chris and Lauren have been married since 2012 and have two kids - Evangeline and Cohen. Chris attended Midwestern Baptist College where he majored in Biblical Studies. He currently works full time for a retail contractor in locally in Kansas City. Chris also leads worship and preaches at South Liberty Baptist Church. His wife, Lauren, works full time at a school for kids with Autism as a Program Coordinator BCBA.
650 E Ruth Ewing Road
Liberty, MO 64068
Tel: 816-781-2903